Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The View of it All!

Well folks...I'd been holding out on the pictures, but now...to return, we had to do it in style. Check out these pictures my fellow intern Jenny Will took while she flew over Desert Sun and the Ray Kroc Complex itself.

Jenny was riding with the Scorpions Booster Club President Jim McDermott. The two of them were trying to perfect where they need to fly to be able to successfully drop cashola onto the paying patrons on Baseball Bail Out Day (FRI. FEB. 20TH!).

This second picture narrows down the scope a little bit, but you can still see all four fields of the complex, with the office center too! Amazing pictures! Looks pretty green, eh? Not as deserty as you'd imagine? All I know is the city does an amazing job upkeeping these fields, I've written about that a few times.

Jenny had a heck of a time flying around and snapping these photos. As you might know, Jim McDermott is a flying instructor, and Jenny said she got to land the plane as well! A little impromtu, free lesson!

1 comment:

  1. Joe,

    I like the blog and just featured it on http://www.baseballposts.com/. Maybe we can get you to write for us when you're done at the AWL. Enjoy the experience!

    Joe Louis
